Crossing Paths (not Swords)

We mostly travel agreeably together, Dr. K and I. Often we are on the same page, traveling together in pursuit of the same enterprise. Sometimes we travel together, each on his or her own agenda.

That was the case a few weeks ago, when we drove out to Dawson, in the central, Missouri-Coteau part of the state. Suzzanne was using our lodgings at Dakota Outback Cottages (nice place), Dawson, as jumping-off point for a couple of days running a heritage press with Allan and Leah Burke and the Iron Men at the Braddock threshing days. It’s something she has done every September the past few years.

Meanwhile, Angie and I were roaming the hills of Kidder County in search of sharptail grouse, which were few, but we got a couple, and the scenery was spectacular.

This weekend we got worn out with homecoming activities at NDSU, but with no rest for the weary, each of us today took off in a different direction (or directions). It was my honor this morning to provide the homily for the Unitarian Universalist Church of Fargo-Moorhead. My text was St. Mark’s narrative of the feeding of the multitude, and I spoke about the necessity and joy of feeding people–and specifically about fall suppers.

Meanwhile Suzzanne lit out for the Ellendale Opera House, where the Ellendale Area Arts Council was hosting her for a talk about memory artist Emily Lunde, in association with an exhibit being toured by the North Dakota Museum of Art. I’m sure she did great, but she’ll have to tell you about that.

I came home long enough to reassure the Ladies they had not been abandoned and wash my truck for an expedition with a couple of my excellent undergraduate students. We made the drive this evening over to St. Mary’s Catholic Church, near Dazey, to attend the annual turkey-and-kraut fall supper. This was just splendid. Kraut is in the roasters, God is in his heaven, and the fellowship was heartening. I’ve posted photos in my Instagram and Facebook accounts.